Thursday, March 27, 2025

10 Useful ways to sell ads at buy sell ads market

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A lot of bloggers are asking about selling banner ads at Buy Sell Ads nowadays. Since questions are quite a lot I came up with an article that would cover relevant points on how you can sell your banner at Buy Sell Ads effectively.

Actually, you don’t have to be an expert to be able to sell ads at Buy Sell Ads. In fact, it’s easy as selling ads at other ad services as well as selling specific ad space manually. Nonetheless, Buy Sell Ads can send report on accurate number of traffic data, readers count and more which are not possible with other ad services. Furthermore, advertisers get detailed insight of their blog traffic from buy sell ads.

Now the question is “how bloggers can attract more advertisers at Buy Sell Ads?” Here are several useful methods that would help you gain more advertisers.


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Gain more RSS readers- A lot of advertisers seek for blogs that has a good amount of subscribers regardless of the rank. Hence you need to invite readers to subscribe to your RSS with their rss readers.

Good amount of blog traffic- You need a good amount of traffic daily. Having a few thousand hits and visits monthly would do well. That way, advertisers would consider your blog knowing that it has thousands of readers from various regions.

Active readers/viewers- Advertisers are also looking for blogs with active participants. Your readers should be leaving comments on your posts, answering your polls and joining your contests.

Gain a good number of Facebook likes- Having numerous Facebook likes is a good factor as well. Besides, advertisers could be on Facebook too!

Be responsive blog admin- As a blog admin or owner you need to participate among your viewers by answering their questions or joining their discussions on your forums. You need to be sociable as well and not just an effective blogger who wants to get lucrative.

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Provide a Mailing list- A lot of successful marketers today have full inventory with a lot of sold ads. Hence getting a mailing list is a good idea.

Choose a better Niche- Advertisers want blogs with interesting niche with specific contents and topics. A buy sell ads advertiser would go for money making blog rather than technology blog that cover numerous topics.

Place a decent price- Overpricing is a no-no. Don’t be greedy if you want to stand out from the rest. Instead give your advertisers a low price first, that way you’ll get ahead of the competition.

-Avoid overstating your blog or on your blog- Advertiser don’t prefer blogs overstressing their traffic by making use of exaggerated phrases and sentences like “The most excellent blogging methods” or “The top web marketer” Avoid regarding your blog as the best or yourself as the leading blogger if you know you are not. Nonetheless, you are allowed to do that if you are already a professional blogger or if your blog has won several blog awards.

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