Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Interview With Professional Certified Trainer, Speaker & Coach, Ghali Abou El Chamat

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1- Hello Ghali, can you please tell us a bit about you?

It’s too difficult for one to talk about himself, I believe that actions are louder than words, but in the past 15 years, words became larger than actions. People are believing anything that others claim or say and I believe it’s because of the low self-esteem and negative energy people are surrounded by. People are surrounded by fake news, alleged actions and behaviors, they are just lost by the huge turmoil in this world. I’ve been a sales professional for over 15 years and I have studied leadership and management all my life. I am certified from the best global leadership executives that bring great impact to this world, and thus we are trying daily to positively impact others to grow and prosper. I’m proud to say that I have increased many companies’ sales through direct training, direct sales, and close consultation. I’m always trying to be up to date in the new forms of management and leadership as these areas keep improving yearly.

You can visit my Facebook profile for more information.

2- What are your focus areas and why?

I focus on people, why, because I strongly believe that people make a difference in any field, be it sales, service, sports, politics, economy, education, etc… In our part of the world we are behind on developing people and companies tend to forget that their people are the strongest asset. The private and public sector is putting their people in a negative routinely environment and they bet on their comfort zone that people are scared to go out from. By doing so the private and public sectors are creating a huge gap between their people and the ever-evolving market around them. That’s why the young generation acts differently than other generations due to the fact that they did not yet set their comfort zones or are not accepting current comfort zones.

3- How would you describe your journey in a few words?

My journey until today was extraordinary as I have traveled to many countries and have witnessed a lot of cultures and interacted with many talented and great people. I have dealt with most fortune 100 companies and a good number of startups in the world. The journey is not yet over and I am trying daily to add value to others and myself.

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4- Where do you think your solutions are making an impact?

Solutions have a timeline, short, medium and long term goals. They all take time and effort and of others are not willing to accept the truth then no change will occur and nothing will improve. It’s not only about selling, but it’s also about building organizations and people to better enhance their performance and drive economies further.

5- What does the future hold for business, with all this poping out news all around the world?

Business is changing but people are not and this is the gap I’m talking about. If people are not trained in the new way business is evolving then they will be out of business. We are living in an ever-changing environment but we are “never changing”. I am specifically talking about the Middle East and Africa here. This is my main focus and this is where I’m living and we are trying to help because we want the best for this region. Believe me, there is a huge potential but we need to act fast. I will give you a small example, Lebanon for instance used to have the best financial services in the region, but because there was no change and improvement Lebanon has lost this category.

6- What are some of the mistakes you wished the Egyptian economy could’ve avoided?

Egypt, what a great country, I’m not Egyptian but I strongly believe in Egypt and I am sure that the Egyptian economy will flourish and prosper in the next 10 years. Egypt is on the right track, they are acting fast in some areas, but are extremely slow in other. Egypt’s financial services should improve drastically and they need to act fast to gain results faster.

7- What advice would you give to young people just starting out as business owners and hoping to make it both in Egypt and in the Global market?

The one advice I will give new business owners now is to concentrate and follow their dreams, failure is a step forward and not a step back, failure is a great teacher once you think of it the right way.

8- Where do you see the Egyptian business market in the next 5 years?

As mentioned before, Egypt is a growing economy and I’m positive it will grow and grow in the next 5 years.

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9- And what are you most excited about at the moment?

I’m excited to be part of the change, positive change in this region. I’m excited to help others improve even if it’s minimal. I’m excited to add value to others and drive economies forward.

10- The last word or final thoughts?

There will never be last words or final thoughts, it’s always to be continued. I hope people will understand this last statement well.

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Kat Adiver
Kat Adiver
is a Mom. Graduated from Telfer School of Management, Finance/Accounting with interest to Entrepreneurship and New Media.
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