Thursday, March 13, 2025

5 Easy ways to get started with SEO: Build-up traffic in just one month!

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In just one month, you’ll be able to drive the keywords to your site through the help of these 5 easy SEO ways. Firstly, you have to prepare your site and put your efforts on it. Announcing your blog to the world is certainly a big step however you have to prepare your blog have a successful blogging career.

Step #1- Get a good keyword

Having a good keyword is the most essential tool. In fact, even a poor keyword could hit the search results than having no keyword at all. Take time in finding a keyword by writing it down on paper. That way, you’ll have a lot of choices and you can pick which one is the best. Consider the things people would like to know and to search about.

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After you have come up with a good keyword, test it on Google Search. See if there are more or less results. Suppose there are no results then you have to find a better keyword. Suppose there is more than 10k results then forget it. You are just wasting your time because it won’t drive traffic to your site.

Use Google Adwords in testing your list of keywords by trying it out on keyword research tool. Determine the number of Google searches in a month for the certain keywords. You can use the best keywords on your site’s content to drive more visitor hits and meet your target traffic.

Step #2- Create your initial website content

Undoubtedly, creating your initial web content is the most expensive step to take. You need an effective writer than can write quality and interesting articles. Aside from that, you will need 100,000 words that would cover up for these categories: free report, blog posts, guest blog posts and fundamental posts. Roughly, you will need about 10,000 words for newsletters, filling out surveys and buying an ebook content. You will also need a blog with about twenty items of 1000 word posts or 40 items of 500 word posts which are pre-entered and backdated. Furthermore, you need 1000 word pre-written guest blog posts to boost your back links. Lastly, you will need pre-scheduled posts of 1000 word to keep your site active. That makes up the 100,000 words for your site!

Yes, I know. 100,000 seems impossible, not to mention that these posts should have the same set of keywords with similar subjects. Nonetheless you can make it easier by writing sets of posts. A hundred thousand posts seem impossible but in many ways it is feasible.

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Step #3- Choosing your domain name and publication

Before you purchase a domain name make sure that your content is complete. That way, you can avoid wasting money and having an inactive domain. Also, you will be able to change the keyword as you write the contents. Complete your content first and then purchase a domain. It would also help if you can find some Hostgator coupon codes to save more on your hosting and publication. Once you have published all your contents, dry-run them on different web browsers to determine if they are working perfectly. Then, submit your website to Google index. Make sure your posts are unique and not spun. Google will find out that you have 20,000 unique and pre-wrote content on your website. Now you can start writing about the most popular keywords and

Step #4- Promote your blog by guest blogging

Actually, guest blogging is easy since you already have 20 items of 1000 word blog posts. What you need to do now is to search for blog sites that have related contents. However you must check the guidelines of the websites first before you do guest blogging. You must email the admin first and let him/her know that you want to guest blog. Introduce yourself. Include details of your blog, the link of your post, HTML and blog images that you intend to use, along with your short info and back link.

Suppose the admin refused to accept your back links then kindly say thank you and look for another website. You just have to keep trying. If it’s been rejected for a number of times then rewrite it and make your posts more interesting. Now if the admin accepts your posts and back links then say thank you and send your response within 24 hours.

Another way to promote your guest blog is through websites, social network accounts, newsletters and forums. If you can find other promotional tools then that would be perfect. It can increase traffic to your site. Once Google find out the 20 sites in your niche published your back links on your blog then you’ll be Google’s new found friend.

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Step #5- Make blogging a habit

The best way to establish a long-relationship with Google is through blogging regularly. Even if you are just a small blog you can hit PR4 if you know how to blog and promote your blog effectively. Google want blogs with fresh, unique and quality contents. If your blog have these qualities you will attract more readers and get more sign-ups, newsletters and subscribers. Suppose you site has a store you will attract more buyers and earn more.

Since you already have 52 ready 1000 word blog posts you have to schedule these blog posts accordingly. This way, posts would be delivered on your blog regularly. Furthermore, if you discovered that your blog is working well its better if you would focus on it rather create more blogs that you cannot manage.

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